Lottie Sewalong: French Seam Shoulders

For the Lottie Top I sewed during the Sewalong, I decided I wanted to sew the shoulders with French Seams. It’s just a nice finish on any seam, and I thought since I was going to sew French Seams, I might as well document it and share it with all of you in case any of you would like to do the same!

  1. Place your garment front and back together along the shoulder seams, with wrong sides together. This will feel wrong, but it’s correct!


2. Sew along the shoulder seam at a 3/8” seam allowance.


3. Very carefully trim down the seam allowance to be less than 1/4”.


4. Press the seam allowance to one side.


5. Turn the garment so it is now right sides together. Fold and press the seam flat.


6. Sew the seam with a 1/4” seam allowance. The 3/8” from the first step and the 1/4” from this step equals the 5/8” seam allowance built into the pattern.


7. Press the seam and that’s it! You now have beautiful French seams on the inside of your garment!